Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET) of the Pancreas – Pancreatectomy

A 40 year-old man complained of indeterminate abdominal symptoms. Ultrasonography demonstrated a 2cm tumor in the pancreas. MRI documented that this tumor was solid (not a cyst) and was located between the neck and the body of the pancreas. A preoperative biopsy was not performed because its result would not change the treatment plan. The patient underwent a distal pancreatectomy. Pathology proved the diagnosis of a Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET), so the patient was cured.

Preoperative computerized tomography

Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor

The tumor of the pancreas and the pancreatic ductal dilatation because of the obstruction are shown.

Operative dissection of the pancreas

Preparation for pancreatectomy, portal vein dissection

Complete dissection of the pancreas from the portal vein. The tumor of the body of the pancreas can be seen.

Complete mobilization of the pancreas

Distal pancreatectomy

Pancreas mobilization is now complete. Transection of the pancreas at the level of its head is to be performed.

The operative field after distal pancreatectomy

Portal vein after distal pancreatectomy

Portal vein freed completely after distal pancreatectomy.