Multiple Liver Metastases – Combined staged therapy: Hepatectomy, Radiofrequency Ablation

A 42 year-old woman underwent a colectomy for colon cancer. At the same time she had several metastases in the liver. She then had chemotherapy and the metastases shrank in size. Six months after the colectomy, she underwent a right hepatectomy because she had six metastatic lesions (nodules) in the right side of her liver. During this operation three more small lesions were found in the left side of her liver. Because of the right hepatectomy, no further removal of more liver was possible, and so these three small remaining metastatic lesions were treated with Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA). The patient remained free of disease for 3.5 years.

Multiple liver metastases
from colon cancer

Seven metastases are shown, along with the margin of the right hepatectomy

The number of metastases and the margins of the planned resection are shown.

Liver without metastases
after hepatectomy

Computerized tomography after right hepatectomy

The liver now is free of metastases.